Source code for kokiy.thickshell

"""Defines a 3D ThickShell object built by extruding 2D shells.

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

import meshio

from import Shell
from kokiy._mesh_utils import get_bound_nodes
from kokiy._structured import get_uv
from kokiy._structured import interp_on_uv

[docs]class ThickShell(Shell): """A 3D shell object build by extruding a xyz mesh in the normals direction. Args: init_xyz (np.array): 2d mesh (e.g. from Shell2D). normals (np.array): 2d mesh normals with same shame as `init_xyz`. width_points (np.array): Width profile or width matrix. n_layers (int): Number of layers. shift (float): Additional depth. Attributes: shape (array-like): Shape of the shell. """ geom_type = 'thick'
[docs] def __init__(self, init_xyz, normals, width_points, n_layers=2, shift=0.0): shape = init_xyz.shape[:2] + (n_layers,) super().__init__(shape) self.init_xyz = init_xyz self.normals = normals self.width_points = np.array(width_points) self.shift = shift # compute variables self._xyz, self._dz = self._bake() # private for the deprecated object # to know where bottom is self._neg_dir = False if np.sign(width_points[0][-1]) == 1.0 else True
@property def xyz(self): """xyz matrix of shape (`*self.shape`, 3). """ return self._xyz @property def dz(self): """z-direction spacing matrix of shape `self.shape`. """ return self._dz def _bake(self): n_layers = self.shape[-1] if self.width_points.shape == self.shape[:2]: width_matrix = self.width_points else: width_matrix = create_width_profile(self.width_points, self.shape[:2]) xyz = self._compute_xyz(width_matrix, n_layers) dz = self._compute_dz(width_matrix, n_layers) return xyz, dz def _compute_xyz(self, width_matrix, n_layers): xyz = np.empty((*self.shape, 3)) for j in range(3): n_j = np.take(self.normals, j, -1) for i in range(n_layers): xyz[:, :, i, j] = (np.take(self.init_xyz, j, -1) + (1.0 * i / n_layers * width_matrix + self.shift) * n_j) return xyz def _compute_dz(self, width_matrix, n_layers): dz = np.empty(self.shape) for i in range(n_layers): dz[:, :, i] = abs(width_matrix / n_layers) dz[:, :, 0] /= 2 dz[:, :, -1] /= 2 return dz
[docs] @classmethod def bake_from_shell(cls, shell, width_points, n_layers=1, shift=0.0): return ThickShell(, shell.n_xyz, width_points, n_layers=n_layers, shift=shift)
[docs] def dump(self, filename='shell', fields=None): """Dump shell geometrical and physical properties into hdf file. Args: filename (str): Name of the file to dump. fields (dict): Additional fields to dump. (key, `np.array`). """ var_names = ['dz'] self._dump(filename, var_names, fields=fields)
[docs] def dump_shell(self, name='shell', fields=None): """Dump shell geometrical properties into hdf file. Args: name (str): Name of the file to dump. Default 'shell'. fields (dict): Additional fields to dump. (key, `np.array`). .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use `dump` instead. """ self.dump(filename=name, fields=fields)
def _get_bound_nodes(self): return get_bound_nodes(*self.shape, reverse=self._neg_dir) def _get_bound_nodes_display(self, **kwargs): return self._get_bound_nodes() def _get_points(self): """Returns raveled points. """ points = np.empty((0, 3)) for k in range(self.shape[2]): layer_coords = np.take(, k, axis=2) coords = np.array([np.take(layer_coords, i, axis=-1).ravel() for i in range(3)]).T points = np.r_[points, coords] return points def _get_cells(self, elem_type, **kwargs): return super()._get_cells(elem_type, reverse=self._neg_dir) def _reshape_simplified_bnd_conns(self, conns, show_all): size = conns.size if size == (self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]): # bottom or top new_conns = self._reshape_simplified_bnd_conns_helper( conns, self.shape[1], layered=False, show_all=show_all) else: if size == (self.shape[0] * self.shape[2]): # laterals ref_shape = self.shape[0] else: # back and front ref_shape = self.shape[1] new_conns = self._reshape_simplified_bnd_conns_helper( conns, ref_shape, layered=True, show_all=show_all) return [meshio.CellBlock('line', new_conns)] def _compute_replicate_info(self, shape): # interpolates mesh, normals and width_matrix (if applicable) to new shape shape_2d = shape[:2] init_shape = self.init_xyz.shape[:2] init_uv = get_uv(*init_shape, matrix_form=True).reshape(-1, 2) new_uv = get_uv(*shape_2d, matrix_form=True).reshape(-1, 2) init_xyz = self.init_xyz.reshape(-1, 3) new_xyz = interp_on_uv(init_uv, init_xyz, new_uv).reshape(*shape_2d, 3) init_normals = self.normals.reshape(-1, 3) new_normals = interp_on_uv(init_uv, init_normals, new_uv).reshape(*shape_2d, 3) if self.width_points.shape == init_shape: new_width_points = interp_on_uv(init_uv, self.width_points.reshape(-1), new_uv).reshape(shape_2d) else: new_width_points = self.width_points return new_xyz, new_normals, new_width_points
[docs] def replicate(self, shape): """Creates a similar instance, but possibly with different shape. """ new_xyz, new_normals, new_width_points = self._compute_replicate_info(shape) return ThickShell(new_xyz, new_normals, new_width_points, n_layers=shape[-1], shift=self.shift)
[docs]class CakeDict(ThickShell, dict): """A ThickShell that keeps dict behavior. Use ThickShell instead. .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use `ThickShell` instead. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ThickShell.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) dict.__init__(self, xyz=self._xyz, dz=self._dz) self.fields = self
@property def xyz(self): return self['xyz'] @property def dz(self): return self['dz']
[docs] @classmethod def bake_from_shell(cls, shell, width_points, n_layers=1, shift=0.0): return CakeDict(, shell.n_xyz, width_points, n_layers=n_layers, shift=shift)
[docs] def dump(self, filename='shell', fields=None): """Dump shell geometrical and physical properties into hdf file. Args: filename (str): Name of the file to dump. fields (dict): Additional fields to dump. (key, `np.array`). """ var_names = ['dz'] self._dump(filename, var_names, fields=fields, exclude_internal_fields=['xyz', 'dz'])
[docs] def replicate(self, shape): """Creates a similar instance, but possibly with different shape. """ new_xyz, new_normals, new_width_points = self._compute_replicate_info(shape) return CakeDict(new_xyz, new_normals, new_width_points, n_layers=shape[-1], shift=self.shift)
[docs]def create_width_profile(width_points, shape): (x_tuple, y_tuple) = tuple(zip(*width_points)) # Extend Bounds xlist = [0] + list(x_tuple) + [1] ylist = [y_tuple[0]] + list(y_tuple) + [y_tuple[-1]] # Generate continuous fictive spline f_int = interpolate.interp1d(xlist, ylist) # Generate discretise spline xnew = np.linspace(0, 1, num=shape[1]) ynew = f_int(xnew) return np.tile(ynew, (shape[0], 1))