Source code for kokiy.shell_2d

"""Defines base class from which other 2D `Shell` objects will inherit.

from abc import ABCMeta

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import meshio

from import Shell
from kokiy.thickshell import CakeDict
from kokiy.thickshell import create_width_profile
from kokiy._mesh_utils import get_bound_nodes
from kokiy._structured import get_uv

AXIS_NAMES = ['time', 'v', 'u']

[docs]class Shell2D(Shell, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract shell. Args: n_axe_1 (int): Number of x/longitudinal shell points. n_axe_2 (int): Number of y/azimuthal shell points. Attributes: shape (array-like): Shape of the shell: (`n_axe_1`, `n_axe_2`). rad (np.array): rad matrix of shape `self.shape`. theta (np.array): theta matrix of shape `self.shape`. x (np.array): x matrix of shape `self.shape`. y (np.array): y matrix of shape `self.shape`. z (np.array): z matrix of shape `self.shape`. n_x (np.array): x-normal matrix of shape `self.shape`. n_r (np.array): r-normal matrix of shape `self.shape`. n_y (np.array): y-normal matrix of shape `self.shape`. n_z (np.array): z-normal matrix of shape `self.shape`. du (np.array): u-direction spacing matrix of shape `self.shape`. dv (np.array): v-direction spacing matrix of shape `self.shape`. u (np.array): u-direction adimensional matrix of shape `self.shape`. v (np.array): v-direction adimensional matrix of shape `self.shape`. abs_curv (np.array): Central curvilinear abscissa array of shape (`self.shape[1]`,). dwu (np.array): Weighted u-direction spacing matrix of shape `self.shape`. dwv (np.array): Weighted v-direction spacing matrix of shape `self.shape`. surf (np.array): Weighted surface matrix of shape `self.shape`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_axe_1, n_axe_2, lims_u=(0., 1.), lims_v=(0., 1.)): super().__init__((n_axe_1, n_axe_2)) self.axis_names = AXIS_NAMES self.width_matrix = {} self.u, self.v = get_uv(n_axe_1, n_axe_2, lims_azi=lims_u, lims_longi=lims_v)
@property def uv(self): """uv matrix of shape `self.shape`. """ return np.stack((self.u, self.v), axis=-1) @property def xyz(self): """xyz matrix of shape (`*self.shape`, 3). """ return np.stack((self.x, self.y, self.z), axis=-1) @property def n_xyz(self): """Normals with same shape as `xyz`. """ return np.stack((self.n_x, self.n_y, self.n_z), axis=-1) @property def u_adim(self): """ .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use `u` instead. """ return self.u @property def v_adim(self): """ .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use `v` instead. """ return self.v
[docs] def dump(self, filename='shell', fields=None): """Dump shell geometrical and physical properties into hdf file. Args: filename (str): Name of the file to dump. fields (dict): Additional fields to dump. (key, `np.array`). """ fields = fields or {} var_names = self._get_dump_var_names() # due to name inconsistency fields.update({'r': self.rad}) # dump self._dump(filename, var_names, fields=fields)
[docs] def dump_shell(self, name='shell', fields=None): """Dump shell geometrical properties into hdf file. Args: name (str): Name of the file to dump. Default 'shell'. fields (dict): Additional fields to dump. (key, `np.array`). .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 Use `dump` instead. """ self.dump(filename=name, fields=fields)
[docs] def add_curviwidth(self, label, points): """Add a 2D width matrix of shell shape extruded from points spline. Args: label (str): Label of the width matrix. points (array-like): Coordinates with shape (n, 2). Notes: This method makes this object stateful. Avoid it if you can. """ width_profile = create_width_profile(points, self.shape) if label in self.width_matrix: self.width_matrix[label] += width_profile else: self.width_matrix[label] = width_profile
[docs] def bake_millefeuille(self, width_matrix_label, n_layers, shift=0.0): """Create a millefeuille-like shell. Extrude a 2D shell in the normal direction up pointwise height given by "width_matrix_label" matrix. Args: width_matrix_label (str): Label of the width matrix. n_layers (int): Number of layer for extrusion. shift (float): Additional depth. Returns: ThickShell Notes: Use `Thickshell.bake_from_shell` when possible. "Bon appetit!" """ width_matrix = self.width_matrix[width_matrix_label] return CakeDict.bake_from_shell(self, width_matrix, n_layers=n_layers, shift=shift)
[docs] def average_on_shell_over_dirs(self, variable, directions, scale=True): """Performs an integration (average) over one or multiple directions. Args: variable (np.array): Data to be averaged of shape (n_time, n_v, n_u). directions (array-like): A list() of directions on which the average process is to be performed. Contains keywords from ['time', 'v', 'u']. scale (bool): Keeps nominal averaging (if `False`) or takes into account surface element (if `True`). Returns: np.array: Averaged data on given directions. """ if scale: variable = np.multiply(variable, return self.operate_on_shell_over_dirs(variable, directions, operator=np.mean)
[docs] def operate_on_shell_over_dirs(self, variable, directions, operator=np.mean): """Applies an operator over one or multiple direction. Notes: Directions are not commutative for non-linear operators. """ # check valid directions if not (len(directions) > 0 and all(dir_ in self.axis_names for dir_ in directions)): mess = 'Integrating directions do not conform to criteria\n' mess += 'It should be a list containing one of or all items\n' for axis in self.axis_names: mess += axis + ', ' raise ValueError(mess) # operate dirs = self.axis_names.copy() for dir_ in directions: index = dirs.index(dir_) variable = operator(variable, axis=index) dirs.pop(index) return variable
[docs] def plot(self, savefile=None): """Plot 2D curve of the `Shell`. Args: savefile (str): filename. If None, the figure is only plotted. """ plt.plot([0, :, 0],[0, :, 1]) plt.title("Shell") plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") if savefile is None: else: plt.savefig(savefile)
def _invert_normals(self, normal_vars=('n_r', 'n_x', 'n_y', 'n_z')): for var in normal_vars: setattr(self, var, -getattr(self, var))
[docs] def invert_normals(self): """Invert directions of normal vectors. """ self._invert_normals()
[docs] def rad_theta_components(self, vect_y, vect_z): """Computes the radial and azimuthal components of a vect y, z. """ # TODO: example of use case? unit_rad_y = self.y / self.rad unit_rad_z = self.z / self.rad unit_tgt_y = -unit_rad_z unit_tgt_z = unit_rad_y vect_rad = vect_y * unit_rad_y + vect_z * unit_rad_z vect_tgt = vect_y * unit_tgt_y + vect_z * unit_tgt_z return vect_rad, vect_tgt
def _get_points(self): return, 3) def _reshape_simplified_bnd_conns(self, conns, **kwargs): size = conns.size if size == self.shape[0] or size == self.shape[1]: # not inner new_conns = conns.copy() repeats = [1] + [2 for _ in range(new_conns.shape[0] - 2)] + [1] new_conns = np.repeat(new_conns, repeats, axis=0).reshape(-1, 2) else: new_conns = self._reshape_simplified_bnd_conns_helper( conns, self.shape[1], False, True, rm_bnd_lines=True) return [meshio.CellBlock('line', new_conns)] def _get_bound_nodes_display(self, show_all=False): bnd_nodes = self._get_bound_nodes() if show_all: # all nodes, not only inner (then connections of bnd are ignored) bnd_nodes['Inner'] = np.array([i for i in range(]) return bnd_nodes def _get_bound_nodes(self): return get_bound_nodes(*self.shape) def _compute_abs_curv(self, du): return np.cumsum(np.take(du, 0, 0)) - du[0, 0] def _compute_weight_interv_adim(self, du, dv): dwu = du.copy() dwu[:, (0, -1)] /= 2 dwv = dv.copy() dwv[(0, -1), :] /= 2 return dwu, dwv def _compute_surf(self, dwu, dwv): return np.multiply(dwu, dwv) def _get_dump_var_names(self): return ['theta', 'n_x', 'n_y', 'n_z', 'n_r', 'du', 'dv', 'u', 'v', 'dwu', 'dwv', 'surf']