Source code for kokiy.frustum_shell

"""Defines a frustum shell object.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

from kokiy.shell_2d import Shell2D
from kokiy.axishell import _compute_shell_crest

ATOL = 1e-8

[docs]class FrustumShell(Shell2D): """A frustum computational shell. Args: n_azi (int): Number of azimuthal shell points. n_longi (int): Number of longitudinal shell points. pt_left (np.array): coordinates of left circle's center. pt_right (np.array): coordinates of right circle's center. radius_left (float): left circle's radius. radius_right (float): right circle's radius. direc_pt (np.array): defines `theta` = 0 direction """ geom_type = 'frustum'
[docs] def __init__(self, n_azi, n_longi, pt_left, pt_right, radius_left, radius_right, direc_pt=None): super().__init__(n_azi, n_longi) # TODO: make private? self.pt_left = np.array(pt_left) self.pt_right = np.array(pt_right) self.radius_left = radius_left self.radius_right = radius_right self.direc_pt = direc_pt # useful vars self._direc = self.pt_right - self.pt_left # axis self._direc_unit = self._direc / np.linalg.norm(self._direc) ort_direc = self._compute_orthogonal_direc() if direc_pt is not None else self._find_orthogonal_direc() self._verify_ort_direc(ort_direc) self._ort_direc = ort_direc / np.linalg.norm(ort_direc) self._build_shell()
def _find_orthogonal_direc(self): # find an orthogonal direction delta_vec = (self._direc_unit + np.array([1, 2, 3])) * np.array([1, 2, 3]) # avoid collinearity dist =, self._direc_unit) proj_point = (self.pt_right + delta_vec) - dist * self._direc_unit ort_direc = (proj_point - self.pt_right) / np.linalg.norm(proj_point - self.pt_right) return ort_direc def _compute_orthogonal_direc(self): ort_direc = np.array(self.direc_pt) - self.pt_right try: self._verify_ort_direc(ort_direc) except Exception: ort_direc = np.array(self.direc_pt) - self.pt_left return ort_direc def _verify_ort_direc(self, ort_direc): if abs(np.sum(ort_direc)) < ATOL and abs( < ATOL: raise Exception('Null orthogonal directions are not accepted') if abs(, self._direc)) > ATOL: raise Exception('orthogonal direction must be perpendicular to axis') def _build_shell(self): # Construct Shell Crest ctrl_pts_r = np.array([self._get_radius(v) for v in self.v[0]]) shell_crest = _compute_shell_crest(self.v[0], ctrl_pts_r, self.shape[1]) # Compute radius and theta matrices of shape (n_azi, n_longi) min_theta, max_theta = 0., np.deg2rad(360) theta_vec = np.linspace(min_theta, max_theta, num=self.shape[0]) self.rad, self.theta = np.meshgrid(shell_crest[1], theta_vec) # Compute xyz matrix of shape (n_azi, n_longi, 3) # define rotations and auxiliar normals center_vec = np.array([self._direc_unit * v for v in self.v[0]]) rotations = [R.from_rotvec(theta * self._direc_unit) for theta in theta_vec] aux_normals = self._get_aux_normals(rotations) # get xyz xyz = [] for i, sect_center in enumerate(center_vec): sect_radius = self.rad[:, i][0] xyz.append(sect_center + sect_radius * aux_normals) self.x, self.y, self.z = [np.take(np.array(xyz), i, -1).T for i in range(3)] normals = [self._correct_normals(aux_normals) for _ in range(self.shape[1])] self.n_x, self.n_y, self.n_z = [np.take(np.array(normals), i, -1).T for i in range(3)] shell_crest_scaled = shell_crest.copy() shell_crest_scaled[0] *= np.linalg.norm(self._direc) # Compute du, dv matrix of shape (n_azi, n_longi) longi_vals = np.tile(shell_crest_scaled[0], (self.shape[0], 1)) self.du = np.pad(np.sqrt(np.diff(longi_vals, axis=1) ** 2 + np.diff(self.rad, axis=1) ** 2), ((0, 0), (1, 0)), 'edge') self.dv = self.rad * np.pad(np.diff(self.theta, axis=0), ((1, 0), (0, 0)), 'edge') # Compute weight intervals in u and v directions array of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) self.dwu, self.dwv = self._compute_weight_interv_adim(self.du, self.dv) # Compute surface nodes array of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) = self._compute_surf(self.dwu, self.dwv) def _get_radius(self, v): return (self.radius_right - self.radius_left) * v + self.radius_left def _get_aux_normals(self, rotations): return np.array([rotation.apply(self._ort_direc) for rotation in rotations]) def _correct_normals(self, aux_normals): dist_rad = self.radius_right - self.radius_left theta = np.arctan2(dist_rad, np.linalg.norm(self._direc)) rotations = [R.from_rotvec(theta * np.cross(self._direc_unit, aux_normal)) for aux_normal in aux_normals] return np.array([rotation.apply(aux_norm) for rotation, aux_norm in zip(rotations, aux_normals)])
[docs] def replicate(self, shape): return FrustumShell(*shape, self.pt_left, self.pt_right, self.radius_left, self.radius_right, direc_pt=self.direc_pt)
def _get_dump_var_names(self): # TODO: check what to do with n_r and abs_curv and delete return ['theta', 'n_x', 'n_y', 'n_z', 'du', 'dv', 'u', 'v', 'dwu', 'dwv', 'surf']
[docs] def invert_normals(self): """Invert directions of normal vectors. """ self._invert_normals(normal_vars=['n_x', 'n_y', 'n_z'])