Source code for kokiy.cartshell

"""Defines a cartesian shell object.

import numpy as np

from kokiy.shell_2d import Shell2D

[docs]class CartShell(Shell2D): r"""Base class for cartesian computational shells. Some attributes are based on **u** and **v**, defined as the curvilinear longitudinal (u) abscissa and curvilinear transversal (v) abscissa respectively. The shell is set using three corners (assuming they are orthogonal). Args: n_trans (int): Number of azimuthal shell points. n_longi (int): Number of longitudinal shell points. zero (np.array): Lower left corner of shell of shape (3,). umax (np.array): Corner of shell for umax of shape (3,). vmax (np.array): corner of shell for vmax of shape (3,). :: X umax ________________ | | Cartesian system | | Example longi/u <=> x and v <==> z | | zero. (0, 0, 0) | | umax. (1, 0, 0) | | vmax. (0, 0, 1) | | x - longi/u | | ^ | | | | | | | | O-----> z - transvers/v |______________| X vmax y X zero. """ geom_type = 'cart'
[docs] def __init__(self, n_trans, n_longi, zero, umax, vmax): super().__init__(n_trans, n_longi) = zero self.umax = umax self.vmax = vmax self._build_shell(np.array(zero), np.array(umax), np.array(vmax))
def _build_shell(self, zero, umax, vmax): """Build shell from geometric features. Notes: - Construct a spline used as base for extrusion from control\ points: tck - Discretise the spline: shell_crest - Compute normal vectors for the 1D shell_crest - Compute r, n_x, n_r-components for 2D shell - Compute theta-components for 2D shell - Compute xyz, n_y, n_z-components for 2D shell """ vec_u = umax - zero vec_v = vmax - zero norm = np.cross(vec_u, vec_v) norm /= np.linalg.norm(norm) u_range = np.linspace(0., 1., num=self.shape[0]) v_range = np.linspace(0., 1., num=self.shape[1]) d_u = np.linalg.norm(vec_u) / (self.shape[0] - 1) d_v = np.linalg.norm(vec_v) / (self.shape[1] - 1) v_coor, u_coor = np.meshgrid(v_range, u_range) # multiply coord matrix by each vec component u_coor = vec_u[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * u_coor[np.newaxis, :, :] v_coor = vec_v[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * v_coor[np.newaxis, :, :] xyz = np.stack([zero[i] + u_coor[i] + v_coor[i] for i in range(3)], axis=-1) self.x, self.y, self.z = [np.take(xyz, i, -1) for i in range(3)] # Compute radius and azimuth matrix of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) self.rad = np.sqrt(self.y ** 2 + self.z ** 2) self.theta = np.arctan2(self.z, self.y) # Compute x,y,z,r-normal matrix of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) self.n_x = np.full(self.shape, norm[0]) self.n_y = np.full(self.shape, norm[1]) self.n_z = np.full(self.shape, norm[2]) self.n_r = self.n_y * np.cos(self.theta) self.du = np.full(self.shape, d_u) self.dv = np.full(self.shape, d_v) # Compute abs_curv array of shape (n_longi,) self.abs_curv = self._compute_abs_curv(self.du) # Compute weight intervals in u and v directions array of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) self.dwu, self.dwv = self._compute_weight_interv_adim(self.du, self.dv) # Compute surface nodoes array of shape (n_transvers, n_longi) = self._compute_surf(self.dwu, self.dwv)
[docs] def replicate(self, shape): """Creates a similar instance, but possibly with different shape. """ return CartShell(*shape,, self.umax, self.vmax)